Macronutrients calculator

With our calculator you will know how many calories you need daily. You can calculate your macros conveniently and easily.

Enter your daily calorie needs, choose your target and calculate your personal daily distribution of macros (proteins, carbohydrates, fats).

If you have any questions, we will help you.

Show us what you're worth.

How to calculate the number of calories you need? That is, the minimum number of calories a body needs to survive. At Rawters we help you. We apply the Harris Benedict formula to calculate your basal metabolism.

Calorie calculator for men:

(10 x Kg weight) + (6,25 x height in cm) – (5 x age in years) + 5.

Calorie calculator for women:

(10 x Kg weight) + (6,25 x height in cm) – (5 x age in years) – 161.

1. Personal data

2. What's your objective?

3. What is your daily activity?

4. How many times do you exercise per week?


Basal metabolism

0000 kcal

Physical acctivity

0000 kcal

Recommended Calories

0000 kcal

Macronutrient Calculator

Once you have calculated the number of calories needed, we can advise you on macronutrients.

We calculate them taking into account a balanced diet for your activity and objectives.



0000 g


0000 g


0000 g