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Melatonina Liberación Lenta

<div>What is Slow Melatonin?</div>

What is Slow Melatonin?

Our Slow Melatonin is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body, specifically in the pineal gland at the base of the skull. For its synthesis, two things are mainly needed, the essential amino acid tryptophan and darkness. It is for this reason that this hormone is also called the hormone of darkness, and its levels in the blood are highest at night.

It is responsible for setting the biological clock, as its main function is to regulate circadian rhythms and thus the natural sleep-wake cycle. Therefore, as long as we have good sleep hygiene, going to bed regularly around the time of nightfall and getting up around the time of dawn, this hormone will be secreted normally.

The problem arises when, either because of night shifts, or because of excessive consumption of stimulants or CNS (central nervous system) depressants such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine ..... Our biological clock is thrown out of kilter and our rest becomes inefficient. This is where the consumption of this supplement can be useful.

<div>What is Slow Melatonin used for?</div>

What is Slow Melatonin used for?

Regulating circadian rhythms and thus promoting optimal rest is its main task, but the "side effects" of getting a good night's sleep go far beyond that.

The Slow Melatonin food supplement differs from our Melatonin product in that we have used time-release melatonin in its formulation, which offers a more sustained, but also longer-lasting effect.

<div>Benefits of Slow Melatonin</div>
Benefits of Slow Melatonin
  • It helps to avoid chronic fatigue and marked tiredness because you will rest better.

  • Improves recovery between workouts and that will translate into better performance in each session and, therefore, a greater chance of muscle growth.

  • Antioxidant, believed to play a protective role for mitochondrial DNA.

  • In a large number of cases of people with anxiety disorders and depression, there are often disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle and a low level of melatonin in the blood.

<div>Properties of Slow Melatonin</div>

Properties of Slow Melatonin

The Slow Melatonin food supplement differs from our Melatonin product in that in its formulation we have used extended-release melatonin, which offers a more sustained effect, but also longer in time.

It is specifically designed to help people fall asleep in cases such as jet lag, menopausal women, people with a high level of stress due to their lifestyle or level of physical activity...

We have also been careful when manufacturing this product, both in the preparation and in the capsules in which it is delivered, there are no ingredients of animal origin, so it is a completely vegan product.

<div>How to take Slow Melatonin?</div>

How to take Slow Melatonin?

In developing this product we considered that just one capsule a day, preferably half an hour before bedtime, would be enough to benefit from its effects.

A potentiating action of this supplement can be found if we combine it with GABA, ZMB and Aswhaganda, in addition to which the team they form will add other extra benefits such as restoring testosterone secretion, improving libido...

Melatonina Liberación Lenta
