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<div>What is Taurine?</div>

What is Taurine?

A non-essential amino acid, i.e. our body can synthesise it in the brain and liver from other amino acids (methionine and cysteine) and vitamin B6.

Although it can be found in the conventional diet (the food groups richest in this amino acid are nuts, shellfish and pulses), the amount obtained, either through endogenous synthesis or via food, can sometimes be compromised (as for example in children), as it helps tissue regeneration, improves cell permeability and means that cells are better nourished and eliminate waste more effectively.

It is not a structural part of the body's proteins, but it is one of the most abundant free-form amino acids in the body and is found especially in muscles, heart, brain and eyes.

<div>What is Taurine used for?</div>

What is Taurine used for?

Our taurine is chemically synthesised in the laboratory, with no animal ingredients involved in any of the manufacturing processes, and even the capsules are made from vegetable derivatives, making them suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Since the endogenous synthesis of taurine declines with age, and having seen the number of vital processes in which this amino acid is involved, our food supplement Taurine, which contains only the amino acid taurine, is highly recommended for people over 55 years of age.

For people with Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X (a group of disorders which occur at the same time, namely hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure and type II diabetes) or any of their individual disorders, together with appropriate medical treatment, the daily addition of Taurine in the recommended dosage can help to improve symptoms.

<div>Benefits of Taurine</div>
Benefits of Taurine
  • Improves the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

  • Contributes to the absorption and management of fats and fat-soluble vitamins, and also intervenes in the secretion of bile salts, preventing the formation of gallstones and promoting the elimination of more LDL cholesterol in the bile.

  • It has a special affinity for GABA (aminobutyric acid) receptors in the brain, to which it binds easily.

  • It is a particularly important amino acid in the health of the ocular system and is found in very high concentrations in the retina.

  • Taurine is also an antioxidant, fighting free radicals and as a result oxidative damage.

  • It facilitates nerve impulse transmission and promotes muscle mass gain by promoting faster post-workout recovery.

<div>Properties of Taurine</div>

Properties of Taurine

There is research indicating its effectiveness even in the short term in reducing cardiovascular risk, as it improves blood flow (and therefore arterial hypertension) and, due to its ability to improve the permeability of the cell membrane, it favours the supply of oxygen to all the body's cells (as well as the management of blood sugar, and therefore also contributes to improving the pathology of type II diabetes), especially those of the heart, where this amino acid is very present.

GABA deficiency has been linked to states of nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Therefore, the effect of taurine and its special affinity for the brain's GABA (aminobutyric acid) receptors, to which it easily binds, may help to promote well-being and relaxation.

<div>How to take Taurine?</div>

How to take Taurine?

With no specific contraindications, if the recommended daily dose is not exceeded, the intake of up to 3 g per day has been established as safe. At RAWTERS we recommend taking two capsules a day, and depending on the benefit we are looking for, we can combine it with:

To improve blood glucose management, the combination with Chromium Picolinate may be an ideal partner.

To try to reduce bad LDL cholesterol we suggest our Taurine with ULTRA Omega 3 and Chitosan Genuine.

The perfect combo to contribute to your relaxation and optimal rest: Taurine + Aswhaganda + GABA.

