Ultra Omega 3® 1050mg EPA + 750mg DHA
- ☑ High concentration EPA and DHA.
- ☑ Improve your cholesterol and triglycerides.
- ☑ Essential in Cardiovascular health.
With the rise of high-intensity sports such as crosstraining, HIIT, functional training... The use of this supplement has become especially important, since it improves athletic capacity in sports with high glycolytic demand such as those mentioned above.
The physiological function of Beta Alanine is to improve performance by delaying muscle fatigue. It combines with another amino acid (histidine) to produce Carnosine, a molecule found mainly in muscle tissue and is involved in neutralizing the acidity produced by lactate during anaerobic physical exercise.
Therefore, the protagonist is not really Beta Alanine, but Carnosine (not to be confused with L-Carnitine) which acts as a “buffer effect” by stabilizing the pH of the muscle, capturing hydrogen ions from intense physical exercise and thus delaying the appearance of fatigue.
Properties / Benefits
-Anti-inflammatory effects, improves the release of calcium and sensitivity in muscle fibers. Contributes to proper functioning of blood circulation.
-Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in high-intensity sports such as those mentioned at the beginning, as well as in sprints or short races.
-Among other parallel and additional effects, it is worth highlighting its antioxidant capacity.
Why take the supplement? Features of our Rawters product.
It has been observed that the concentration of Carnosine is lower in women, vegetarians and vegans (the word Carnosine comes from the Latin “carnis” which means meat, and this is because this food source is mainly found) and also in elderly people.
In Rawters. We offer this supplement with 100% Beta Alanine per capsule, 1000mg of rapid absorption and bioavailability.
How to consume our product? What to combine it with?
It works by accumulation, this means that the concentration of muscle Carnosine increases progressively and it has been observed that its effects begin to be noticeable after four weeks of ingestion.
Knowing that it is a safe and non-toxic substance, at Rawters. We recommend its prolonged use, maintaining an intake of 3 capsules a day, two of them before training and another at the preferred time of day.
By dividing the intake in this way we will avoid the only adverse effect that its consumption presents and which is called “paresthesia”. This effect consists of itching of the lips, ears, hands and redness of some areas of the skin. We must keep in mind that it is a side effect that not everyone experiences and, furthermore, it is completely benign.
It is an active ingredient that many PREWORKOUTS include, and taking into account its effects it seems obvious, so if you prefer to make your own “pre-workout cocktail” we advise you to combine it together with our Creatine, L-Arginine and Caffeine Extend.
Eficaz y de gran calidad
Estoy feliz con el resultado. Después de unas semanas, noto que puedo hacer más repeticiones sin agotarme, lo cual es genial para mí como corredor de distancias cortas.
Funciona perfecto para mis entrenamientos
Llevo tomándola varias semanas y he notado una gran diferencia en mi resistencia. Puedo hacer sesiones de CrossFit sin fatigarme tanto como antes. Al principio el cosquilleo me asustó un poco, pero ahora hasta lo disfruto. Definitivamente la recomiendo para quienes entrenan fuerte.
Buenos efectos pero pastillas grandes
me hubiese gustado más si las pastillas hubiesen sido mas pequeñas porque son realmente grandes para mí, y encima hay que tomar 3 al día.
Por lo demás está bien, el efecto es el esperado, y el bote (que dura un mes aprox) es barato.
Nuevo en esto de la suplementación deportiva.
Empecé a tomar Beta Alanina por recomendación de mi entrenador para mejorar mi rendimiento en las sesiones de HIIT. Nunca había tomado suplementos antes, así que al principio me daba un poco de miedo, pero lo de Rawters me sorprendió para bien. Las cápsulas son fáciles de tomar y he empezado a notar menos cansancio en los entrenamientos. Aunque tardas un poco en ver los resultados completos, vale la pena. Al principio me picaban un poco las manos, pero me explicaron que es normal y desaparece rápido. Definitivamente seguiré usándolo
Como vegana, ha sido un gran descubrimiento para mí.
Me enteré de que las personas vegetarianas y veganas pueden tener niveles más bajos de Carnosina, y desde que empecé a tomar este suplemento, he notado una mejora en mis entrenamientos de alta intensidad. Además, estoy tranquila sabiendo que el producto está hecho con ingredientes aptos para veganos y es de alta calidad.
Vital para mis días de crossfit
La beta alanina de Rawters me ha ayudado a combatir la fatiga muscular durante mis entrenamientos, es indudable que he mejorado mi rendimiento tanto en calidad como en cantidad.
Formato pastillas es genial
Por mi trabajo, el formato pastillas es el más sencillo de tomar. No tengo que llevar shaker ni nada asi que echo las capsulas en un pastillero y cuando llega la hora me las tomo y me olvido.
Ingredients: Beta alanine and anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate (E-470b). Capsule (coating agent: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (E-464)].
Directions for use: Take three capsules a day, two of them before training.
Recommended daily dose: 3 capsules.
Allergen information: Manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soya, egg, fish and gluten proteins.
Warnings: Product for use in adults. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of young children.
Batch/Consume preferably before the end of: See packaging.
Aquí puedes consultar los valores nutricionales de la Beta Alanina de Rawters.
Información disponible por dosis recomendada, como también por cada cápsula.
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