
    Peanut Butter - Texture "Crunchy"


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    Delicious peanut butter without additives, 100% peanut
    Rawters' Peanut Butter Crunchy. It is made only with roasted peanuts, without added sugar or palm oil, preserving all the properties of the peanut intact.
    This food is useful to consume on its own, but it gives a lot of use in the kitchen, since it is part of numerous recipes such as crepes, waffles, toppings... providing a delicious flavor, in addition to the beneficial properties of peanuts.
    Why take the supplement? Features of our product Rawters.
    In Rawters. We have only used first-class roasted peanuts, without sugar, salt, or added fats, and the nutrient content provides, in addition to a large number of benefits, a caloric content that makes it perfect for a population with high nutritional demands due to their physical activity. or very active lifestyle.
    It is also ideal for people with a plant-based diet, as it is a completely vegan product. Furthermore, peanut proteins are of high biological value, an aspect to be considered by this population since in the plant world we usually find protein of lower biological value than in foods of animal origin.


    Properties / Benefits
    Rawters' Peanut Butter Crunchy. contains only roasted peanuts, a food with a wide range of micronutrients (group B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and in less significant quantities iron, zinc and calcium) and macronutrients (protein of high biological value, carbohydrates of low glycemic index, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats).
    -Due to its high protein and fat content, it is a food that helps control anxiety, since they are highly satiating elements.
    -Due to its good lipid profile, it contributes to better control of LDL cholesterol.
    -It contains a good amount of protein and, in addition, of high biological value (they provide all the amino acids and have a high digestibility coefficient)
    -Carbohydrates have a low glycemic index, so diabetics can also benefit from their consumption.
    How to consume our product? What to combine it with?
    Our delicious cream is suitable to consume alone or in any dishes or recipes that you can think of. We also offer it in Crunchy format that includes, within the creaminess of this butter, small pieces of ground peanuts.  
    We warn that once you receive the product, you can see a top layer of oil... well, it is the oil itself that remains on top when the heavier elements of the peanut are deposited. DO NOT DISCARD THAT OIL, simply stir it to homogenize the butter again and enjoy it while maintaining all the flavor and properties of this wonderful Peanut Butter Crunchy.


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    Peanut Butter - Texture "Crunchy"

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    Ingredientes: Cacahuetes tostados (100%).

    Modo de empleo: Consumir acorde a tus necesidades.

    Información alérgenos: Puede contener trazas de LECHE, SOJA, FRUTOS DE CASCARA y/o derivados de los mismos.

    Advertencias: Producto para uso en adultos. Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustitutos de una dieta equilibrada. Este producto no está diseñado para diagnosticar, tratar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. No superar la dosis diaria expresamente recomendada. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños más pequeños. Conservar bien cerrado en lugar fresco y seco.

    Lote/Consumir preferentemente antes del fin de: Ver envase.

    Valores nutricionales

    Aquí puedes consultar los valores nutricionales de la Crema de Cacahuete de Rawters.

    Información disponible por dosis recomendada, como también por cada 100 gr.