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Harina de Avena Instantánea Integral

5.50 10.90
<div>What is Whole Instant Oats?</div>

What is Whole Instant Oats?

RAWTERS Oatmeal is food made only with oats, a cereal consumed in many civilisations since ancient times for its numerous culinary uses and benefits derived from its consumption.

It is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, fibre, protein and B vitamins. It is also low in saturated fat and contains no cholesterol or sodium. Likewise, it is therefore a healthy choice for those seeking a balanced diet.

At RAWTERS, we use only the highest quality oats to make our oat flour. In addition, our production process is carried out at a low temperature to preserve all the nutrients and maintain the natural flavour of the oats.

<div>What is Whole Instant Oats used for?</div>

What is Whole Instant Oats used for?

RAWTERS oatmeal is made only with crushed oats, obtaining a fine powder easy to consume, either in a drink, porridge, with your protein shake, forming part as the main ingredient of countless dishes, desserts, recipes...

We have both oatmeal in its natural flavour (neutral), as well as 4 other fantastic flavours, with which you can enrich your recipes or simply enjoy this raw material in any of your preparations.

<div>Benefits of Whole Instant Oats</div>
Benefits of Whole Instant Oats
  • The carbohydrates naturally present in oats are low on the glycaemic index, which can be an interesting effect for people in periods of weight loss.

  • Its high fibre content contributes to good intestinal transit, which in the long term translates into good intestinal health.

  • It is a first class source of energy, as well as being a very affordable raw material.

  • It contributes to maintaining correct plasma cholesterol levels.

  • It is versatile, a multitude of healthy dishes and recipes can be prepared, as well as being consumed in drink or porridge format with just water, milk, vegetable drinks, etc.

<div>Properties of Whole Instant Oats</div>

Properties of Whole Instant Oats

Our Whole Instant Oats is recommended for anyone who wants an extra boost of energy for 100% performance in your workouts, if you're looking for a quick, easy and delicious cereal intake, or if you simply want to experiment with this ingredient in new healthy dishes and recipes.

An excellent choice for those looking for a natural, long-lasting energy boost. Due to its high complex carbohydrate and fibre content, this product will provide you with constant energy throughout the day, making it an ideal food for athletes and people with an active lifestyle.

<div>How to take Whole Instant Oats?</div>

How to take Whole Instant Oats?

The flour format differs from flakes in its solubility, so you can easily mix it with your favourite protein shake, such as Performance Casein, which not only gives you the sustained release of protein, but also the carbohydrates naturally present in oats, making it a smart pre-sleep intake.

You can make different fitness desserts, such as cakes, pancakes, muffins... and together with our 0% Syrups, creating delicious low-sugar and low-fat recipes is easier than ever.

If, on the other hand, you are in a hypertrophy stage (or gaining muscle volume) we recommend using our Whole Instant Oats together with Peanut Butter to create high calorie recipes to feed your muscles.

Harina de Avena Instantánea Integral
